We are the central bank of the Union State of British Commonwealth.

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Get Commonwealth Pay. Thousands of people across the world who were previously unbanked or underbanked over the past 3 years have got a PLEX card or opened a Commonwealth Wallet - they are your new potential clients!
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Use our Payment Links (Commonwealth Pay) to bill clients or register as a Seller on the ROERICH Marketplace and get a MERIT Profile to find new clients, funding or sales from customers from the worldwide British Commonwealth community!
Michail Roerich

The old banking world is about compliance and control. The new banking world is about creating opportunities and financial inclusion.

Read about new financial tools on Michail Roerich's Notes.

HSH Michail Roerich-Kolpidis
Chief Ideology Officer

Michail Roerich

Our team here at the Bank of Commonwealth as well as our partners around the world are committed to meeting your needs within this new banking world.

Hon. Keith Sweeney

Global resilient banking Commonwealth Banking
Commonwealth Banking is a true cross-border global banking system that allows for complete financial inclusion of individuals and organisation on equal basis to all without any third-party interference. Commonwealth Banking is about banking. Nothing more.
PLEX Cards250 thousand
CBAN's Issued100 million
CIMS Members306 institutions
Merchants51 thousand
Cleared Deposits35 billion BCP
Exchange rate(s) of the Commonwealth Pound to foreign currencies